Zu dem, was BabyLiee meiner Ansicht nach zu sagen versucht, fällt mir ein Dialog aus dem Buch "Martyn Pig", welches wir einst in Englisch gelesen haben, ein: (Ich schreib jetzt mal nur den Dialog, ohne den Erzähler)


"Are we bad?"
"Depends what you mean by bad"
"Bad. Evil. Wrong"
"Maybe. I don't know. It's a relative kind of thing, badness"
"How's that?"
"Good, bad. Right, wrong. What's the difference? Who decides?"
"But what we are doing - it's against the law"
"What's the law? It's only someone's opinion"
"But", Alex went on, "surely some things are wrong. You know, just wrong. Universally wrong."
"Like what?"
"I don't know.. murder, rape, stuff like that"
"Whatever anyone does, it's not wrong to them. Otherwise they wouldn't do it, would they?"
"No, but..."
"It's only wrong if you think it's wrong. If you think it's right, and others think it's wrong, then it's only wrong if you get caught"
"Is that what you really think?"
"I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not. I'm just thinking out loud"
"Yeah, well ... let's just hope that God doesn't exist."
"He'd never forgive us for what we're about to do."
"He would if he was bad"

Ich finde, das Martyn hier verdammt recht hat, und sehe das auch schon als recht unanstreitbar.

Bearbeitet von vW2 (14.09.2008, 22:45:28)